Tecumseh Youth Theatre proudly presents Disney’s classic animated tale of kidnapping villains and courageous puppies, adapted in this "fur-tastic" musical adventure. Based on the classic animated film, Disney's 101 Dalmatians KIDS is a fur-raising adventure featuring Cruella De Vil, Disney's most outrageous villain, and 101 of the most adorable heroes to set their paws onstage. With a high-spirited score and lovable characters, this stage adaptation is certain to charm and delight all audiences.
There are 3 opportunities to see this pup-ular show: Saturday, November 19 | 3:00 pm Saturday, November 19 | 7:30 pm Sunday, November 20 | 3:00 pm Tickets are $8 each and can be purchased at Tecumseh Center for the Arts 400 N. Maumee St. Tecumseh, MI 49286 517.423.6617 | www.TheTCA.org
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